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Blog: Landlords: INSIST on regular inspections!

Landlords: INSIST on regular inspections!

Having regular inspections on your property allows the letting agent to make sure your current tenants are maintaining your property to a high standard and not causing any damage.


By having regular inspections, the Property Manager can make regular checks on the property and notify you as the Landlord of any issues that may have occurred that as the Landlord you are responsible for.  This can, in some cases, mean an issue is spotted before it becomes a major problem and can keep costs down on any major repair.  In addition, the Property Manager can advise the tenant on how to properly care for property when issues are recognised at regular inspections.  For example, we recently took over management of a Landlord’s portfolio.  On our first visit to the one of the properties we witnessed the worst level of condensation we have ever seen, had we conducted regular visits at this property we could have advised the tenants on how to effectively deal with this issue before it got so out of hand. 


The risks of taking the option of no inspections could mean major maintenance issues, going unnoticed and developing from a minor repair into a major one.  It also puts Landlords at possible risk of prosecution, for example, an inspection would confirm if there is unpermitted overcrowding at a property, which puts the Landlord at risk of legal action as a licence would be legally required, but an inspection would mean this would be discovered and dealt with immediately to keep Landlords on the right side of the law. 


The main issue could be that when a tenant moves out after their tenancy has ended and the property has not been maintained to a good standard or inspected regularly then a full refurbishment may be required to turn your property back to a good enough standard to be able to be placed back on the rental market and attract the best tenants. 


Inspections are an important element of renting out your property, not just for you the Landlord but helping the tenant feel supported too, leading to a longer term let with less rent voids and less re-letting fees.  Sealeys include inspections within their full management package.  Call our Lettings Manager, Lesley, on 01474 369368 for more details.  

Image credits: ID 69332316 © Christos Georghiou |

Date posted: 09/12/2019 14:28:10

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